Turpentine has great significance and importance in art and industry. There are various turpentine derivatives designed to meet various needs. They have been used for ages to offer the safest raw materials and products for these markets.  


Turpentine in Art

Turpentine is used by painters to thin oil colors and make vanishes. The best turpentine for this use must be distilled from oleoresin gum. It is mainly tapped from pine trees.

The gum from which turpentine is extracted produces a volatile “spirit,” which is then condensed to make turpentine spirits. The spirits are common in paint thinning.

ü Traditional use of turpentine as a solvent in oil painting

The use of solvent is not news to many artists. It has been used for ages as a solvent in oil painting studios.

Generally, turpentine is applied as paint thinner for oil paint. You may have realized that some store-bought paint tubes are usually very thick. Turpentine is a solvent that dilutes and thins the paint, which is used easily on a canvas.

ü Benefits of using turpentine in art

Turpentine has extremely fast-drying properties. Hence, it allows painters to use it on the first layers of their artwork. It quickly evaporates when applied in thin washes, allowing the painter to work faster and focus on details.

Some people mix turpentine with paint pigment, creating a homemade version that offers even more benefits. It is one of the most effective ways of creating paint.

ü Techniques for using turpentine in art

In technical terms, turpentine is a solvent. It’s among the most traditional options for painters to speed up the drying time.

If you are painting in layers, consider applying turpentine as the base coat or the first layer of the paint. This is because the fast-drying layer should always come first in your painting.


Turpentine in Industry

There is a turpentine deep processing product for almost every industrial process today. These show the importance of the products and why the world needs them. Here is what it does in the industry.

ü Industrial applications of turpentine

The industrial application of turpentine comes in two primary ways; as a solvent and as a source of materials used in organic synthesis. In the first part, we have already discussed how turpentine is used to thin oil-based paints and produce varnishes.

The other use is as raw for the chemical industry. Industrialized nations use it as a solvent widely. There is a wide range of products that involve turpentine, including the food industries, medical industries, and construction industries.

ü Sustainable alternatives to traditional turpentine in industry

Even though turpentine is still used largely, many industrialized nations have replaced it with a much cheaper turpentine substitute that comes as a distillate of crude oil. A more sustainable alternative is a natural citrus solvent which has become a better alternative for mineral spirits. It is 98% pure citrus, making it much safer.

ü Safety considerations and regulations surrounding industrial use

Turpentine is generally considered safe as long as caution is taken when using it. It has a flash point of about 96 degrees F. Here are some considerations for using it:

  • Some painters are highly sensitive and will experience skin blisters and irritations.
  • Turpentine vapor is not especially poisonous. However, it can create an unhealthy atmosphere if used in poorly ventilated areas with room temperatures of up to 80 Degrees F.

Turpentine Derivatives from Linxing Pine Chemicals

Yunfu Linxing Pine Chemicals Co., Ltd offers the most reliable and safest turpentine derivatives. The advanced production equipment used promises great product quality. Consider this if you are looking for a trustworthy source of turpentine.



Turpentine has so many uses both in art and industry. However, it matters where you get it from too. Linxing Pine Chemicals has offered these products since 1998, making it the most reliable source.

We hope you now know why turpentine is important art and industry, and how to get it.